RAC Update Archive
RAC update archive
RAC News Updates (Members Only)
AHA members-only conference call June 10 on ALJ delay, 6/5/14
AHA survey: Hospitals appealing half of RAC claim denials, 5/29/14
Challenges to two-midnight and related policies filed, 04/17/14
Legislation extends partial enforcement delay of two-midnight rule, 04/03/14
Congressman Urges HHS to Modify RAC Program, 03/20/14
Hospitals urged to respond to AHA survey on Probe & Educate audits, 03/06/14
Medicare contractors to re-review two-midnight denials, 02/27/14
CMS announces RAC program changes, ‘pause’ in audits, 02/20/14
House members urge HHS secretary to ‘immediately’ reform RAC process, 02/14/14
AHA urges CMS, Congress to address delay in RAC-related appeals, 01/15/14
CMS extends current RAC contracts through June 1, 01/09/14
RAC Update: CMS to host Aug 9 call on Medicare prepayment review demonstration, 07/31/12
RAC Update: CMS Change for RAC Region A, 07/20/12
RAC News: RACs Expected to Target IRFs in 2012, 02/09/12
RAC Update: Information regarding the commencement of medical necessity reviews in RAC Region B, 08/13/10
RAC Update: CMS to Host National Call on Section 935 Limitation on Recoupment on Wednesday, May 26th, 04/28/10
RAC Update: News on the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor Program, 03/01/10
RAC Update: RAC Reverses Inappropriate Medical Records Request, 01/28/10
RAC Update: News on the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor Program, 1/11/10