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65 Results Found


Getting Vaccinated to Help Protect Yourself, Your Family and Your Community

As we move into fall and winter, we know the viruses that cause respiratory disease will usually circulate more heavily in communities.

Perspective: Integrated Health Systems Help Enhance Value, Access for Patients and Communities

As our country continues to emerge slowly from the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of America’s hospitals and health systems – and the 6 million women and men who work there – has never been more apparent. 

As the Government Prepares to End COVID-19 Emergencies, We Must Use Lessons to Create a Better Health Care System

For three years, hospitals, health systems and health care workers have been on the front lines of the greatest public health crisis our nation has faced in a century.

Perspective: Reconnected and Ready to Rebuild and Reimagine a Better Health Care System

Courage. Compassion. Workforce. Health equity. Heroes. Challenges. Innovation. Community partnerships. Leadership. Opportunities. These were some of the most common words we heard from attendees and speakers talking about our field at this week’s AHA Annual Membership Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Perspective: The Time is now for Diversity and Health Equity

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on Black, Latino, Native Americans and other communities of color is well-documented and deeply troubling. It’s also the latest in a long history of health inequities and health disparities affecting racial minorities in our society. 

Perspective: Standing Up for Our Patients, Communities and Country

The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening our country and straining many hospitals and health systems — and their team members — like never before. We have an awesome responsibility in this national crisis … and our field is stepping up, just as we always do.

Perspective: Giving Thanks for America’s Health Care Workforce

For nearly two years, our nation’s hospitals and health systems — and the gifted, dedicated women and men who lead them — have fought back relentlessly against a once-in-a-century pandemic. 

Perspective: Working Together to Advance Health in America

When President Biden signed legislation on Wednesday eliminating the 2% across-the-board cut to all Medicare payments until the end of 2021, it extended needed relief to doctors, hospitals and other providers caring for patients and vaccinating communities. 

Perspective: Sharing Knowledge, Experiences to Advance Health

COVID-19 has posed a steep learning curve for health care providers over the past 18 months. Hospitals and health systems have responded by sharing more knowledge, insight and best practices with each other than ever before.

Perspective: Time for Renewed Focus on Mental Health

Most studies of the toll COVID-19 has taken on the mental health of Americans reach the same conclusion: The pandemic has made what were already serious problems much worse.