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12 Results Found


A Strategy to Tackle Public Health Misinformation

By understanding the attitudes and beliefs that drive patient behavior, health care providers and administrators can better design messaging that promotes positive health outcomes, including messages deployed during a public health emergency.

The Healing Power of Music: How AdventHealth Staff Formed an Orchestra During the Pandemic

The AdventHealth Orchestra has been a wonderful experience as well as an effective way to address staff burnout and promote resilience and mental health in the workplace.

What COVID-19 Continues to Teach Us about Hospital Culture

Situated in the heart of Westchester County and just outside of New York City, White Plains Hospital was among the first hospitals in New York to face the COVID-19 pandemic during the early days of 2020, back when there were many unknowns.

How a Bold, New Strategy Took on Health Care Inequities During the Pandemic

Tamiko Stanley, chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer at Luminis Health, reflects on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic and best practices moving forward.

Hospital-at-Home Innovation During COVID-19 and Beyond

What was once a small but mighty contingent of health care systems providing “hospital-at-home” care before the pandemic has grown into a larger movement. With this model, hospitals across the country are “admitting” patients to their own homes for acute care with excellent results.

One Thing COVID Didn’t Change: Leadership

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed many of the things that shape our lives: our relationships, our work, our interactions with technology and one another. And although it has undoubtedly changed leaders, it hasn’t changed what we know about leadership.

Achieving Organizational Resilience and Viability Amid COVID-19

In the midst of the tragedy that is the COVID-19 pandemic, one silver lining is how it has brought us together as an organization to help us innovate and realize our vision to make Indiana one of the healthiest states in the nation.

Affinity Groups Offer Innovative Ways to Engage at AHA Rural Health Conference

When hundreds of leaders gather virtually February 17–18 for the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, there will be opportunities for you to make, build and renew connections that help innovate and transform health care, through a pioneering approach toward conferencing.

Using Lessons from the Pandemic to Reimagine Health Care

Even as we continue to address COVD-19 challenges, let’s consider the experiences of the past year, looking for lessons learned and opportunities for the future. Here are four major areas that changed during the pandemic and are likely to keep transforming health care in the year ahead.

What the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Taught Me

At Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, we were involved very early in this pandemic. We are still caring for the majority of patients with the coronavirus in our community, and we learn more every day. Looking back on many months of dealing with COVID-19, here are some lessons I learned, which may resonate with you too.