Rx at the Bedside
Increasing patient adherence to medications? Check.
Providing safe, patient-centered care? Check.
Improving transitions of care? Check.
The “BedsideRx” program at Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond, Va., is achieving all of these things and more. The program coordinates delivery of medications to a patient's bedside before discharge, by a pharmacist who provides counseling. The program started on one unit at St. Mary's in October 2010 and now has expanded hospital-wide, serving 16 units. Patients receive information about the program in their admission packet, and nurses, physicians and case managers also recommend the service to patients. Prescriptions are billed to patients' insurance, co-pays are collected, and medications are dispensed from St. Mary's Good Health Pharmacy. The pharmacist and case managers help patients without insurance identify programs that may reduce medication costs. Amanda B. Matassa, outpatient clinical pharmacist, says that viewing a patient's EMR and discussing issues with the prescriber help prevent drug duplications, undesirable interactions, inappropriate medications and incorrect doses. Toni R. Ardabell, CEO, adds, “BedsideRx helps improve patient education and medication adherence, which are essential for preventing medication-related problems and potentially reducing readmissions.” To date, the BedsideRx program has helped more than 4,000 patients and filled more than 9,000 prescriptions, serving an average of 15 percent to 20 percent of eligible patients monthly. On the hospital's postpartum unit, HCAHPS scores increased from 65 percent to 81 percent.
For more information, contact Dr. Matassa at amanda_matassa@bshsi.org