Community Collaboration for Good Health
Working with community organizations, including competitors, Palmetto Health is improving the health of its patient population. The 1,138-bed, nonprofit health care system is located in Columbia, South Carolina, a state with a relatively large number of uninsured residents at higher risk of developing chronic diseases. Palmetto Health has pursued multiple initiatives and strategies and collaborated with more than 20 community groups. Together these organizations are better able to fund a wide array of community health services, all integrated within Palmetto's Office of Community Health. For example, Changing Lifestyles focuses on behavior change to prevent or mitigate the effects of diabetes, and to promote smoking cessation. Among adult participants, 64 percent have shown measurable improvements in HbA1c, BMI and other health indicators. Healthy Choices addresses teen pregnancy, provides weekly youth development programming for middle- and high-school students and hosts an annual summit. In 2013, students enrolled in Teen Talk reported no pregnancies. Going Beyond Physical Health funds the Mental Illness Recovery Center and its programs, HomeBase and Homeless Recovery Center. Along with housing, HomeBase provides treatment for ongoing substance abuse and mental health disorders. During 2013, mental illness-related emergency department visits decreased by 49 percent. Palmetto Health received the 2014 Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service.
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For more information, contact Vince Ford, chief community health services officer, at