Cultivating Physician Engagement During the Pandemic

One Healthcare System’s Physician Leadership Development Journey

Recorded on September 22, 2021

Covid-19 created emergency conditions for healthcare systems across the country- with levels of severity never before seen by physicians and healthcare administrators. During this time of crisis, system goals that we’re once unanimously considered to be top-priority by executives took a back seat to establishing emergency protocols and preserving the lives of patients and medical staff. Our presentation follows the journey of Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS), which saw opportunity during crisis to invest in leadership development and the well-being of physicians through their Applied Physician Leadership Academy (APLA). This 6-month program, collaboratively designed with The Leadership Development Group, paved the way for forward progress on previously dormant mission-critical strategic imperatives while also empowering and engaging physicians as leaders amidst a pandemic backdrop. Learn directly from program designers and participants about key design criteria, leadership competencies, and break through moments that led to program success. 


From Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS)

Michael Covert, COO
Deepak Aggarwal, MD, Chief of Medical Staff
John Clifton Hastings, MD, Recent Past Chief of Staff

From The Leadership Development Group

Tracy Duberman, PhD, President & CEO
Tara Satlow, PhD, VP, Client Solutions


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