Scanning the Headlines: Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) PPS
A bibliographic listing of recently published material related to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) PPS.
Updated on August 15, 2017
Links to full-text articles are provided where available.
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Cheney, C. (2017, July 24). Post-acute SNF care a source of wasteful healthcare spending, research suggests. HealthLeaders Media. Retrieved from:
Matheson, S., and others. (2017, June). Optimizing the Value of Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) in Value-Based Care. Chicago: Leavitt Partners. Retrieved from:
Compton-Phillips, A., and Mohta, N. (2016, Nov. 10). Care redesign survey: Strengthening the post-acute care connection. NEJM Catalyst. Retrieved from:
Abrams, M., and Phillips, G. (2016, July 13). Why post-acute care partners are critical to hospitals' future. H&HN. Retrieved from:
(2016, May). Resident Safety Practices in Nursing Home Settings. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from:
Favreault, M., and others. (2016, May). Can catastrophic insurance improve financing for long-term services and supports? Washington: Urban Institute. Retrieved from:
Role of Post-Acute Care in New Care Delivery Models. Trendwatch. (2015, Dec.). Chcago: AHA.
Addendum: Background On Post-Acute Care. Trendwatch. (2015, Dec.). Chicago: AHA.
(2015, Nov. 30). Nursing Home Quality: CMS Should Continue to Improve Data and Oversight. Chicago: U.S. Government Accountable Office (GAO). Retrieved from:
Spetz, J., Trupin, L., and others. (2015, June). Future demand for long-term care workers will be influenced by demographic and utilization changes. Health Affairs, 34(6), 936-945.
Okrent, D. (2015, June). Long-term services and supports: Changes and challenges in financing and delivery. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved from:
Reaves, E., and Musumeci, M. (2015, May 8). Medicaid and Long-Term Services and Supports: A Primer. Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from:
Betbeze, P. Strategies for Managing the Post-Acute Environment. HealthLeaders Media. Sept. 5, 2014.
Tu ,T., and others. (2014, September). The right care for the right cost: post-acute care and the triple aim. MHA ACO Network; Leavitt Partners. Retrieved from
Applying High Reliability Principles to Infection Prevention and Control in Long Term Care. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission, 2014.
Reinhard, S., and others. Raising Expectations. 2nd ed. Washington: AARP, 2014.
Largest skilled-nursing companies. Kutscher, B. Hospitals facing big divide in pro- and anti-ACA states. Modern Healthcare;43(48):42, Dec. 2, 2013.
Chisholm, L., Weech-Maldonado, R., and others. Nursing home quality and financial performance: does the racial composition of residents matter? Health Services Research;48(6, Part I):2060-2080, Dec. 2013.
Fitzgerald, J., editor. Strong hospital-SNF relationships reduce readmissions. HIM-HIPAA Insider. Nov. 11, 2013.
Rahman, M., and others. Effect of hospital-SNF referral linkages on rehospitalization. Health Services Research. Oct. 17, 2013.
Zigmond, J. A period of adjustment: post-acute providers feel growing pains as they shift to Medicare and Medicaid managed-care contracting. Modern Healthcare;43(41):28-29, Oct. 14, 2013.
Cherry, J.C. Technology and readmissions: facilities that offer innovative post-acute care are more likely to get the hospital referral. Provider;39(10):71-72, 74, Oct. 2013.
Unruh, M.A., Grabowski, D.C., and others. Medicaid bed-hold policies and hospitalization of long-stay nursing home residents. HSR. Health Services Research;48(5):1617-1633, Oct. 2013.
Lipsitz, L.A. The 3-night hospital stay and Medicare coverage for skilled nursing care. JAMA, Sept. 16, 2013 [online].
Jaffe, S. Long-Term Care Panel Releases Recommendations But Fails to Offer Plan to Help Pay for Services. Kaiser Health News. Sept. 13, 2013.
Arling, G., Cooke, V., and others. Minnesota’s provider-initiated approach yields care quality gains at participating nursing homes. Health Affairs;32(9):1631-1638, Sept. 2013.
Pradhan, R., and others. Private equity ownership and nursing home financial performance. Health Care Management Review;38(3):224-233, July-Sept. 2013.
Herndon, L., and others. How-to Guide: Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Skilled Nursing Facilities to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Aug. 2, 2013.
Feder, J. Bundle with care --rethinking Medicare incentives for post--acute care services. New England Journal of Medicine. 369:400-401, Aug. 1, 2013.
Bowblis, R.J., and Hyer, K. Nursing home staffing requirements and inpatient substitution: effects on housekeeping, food service, and activities staff. Health Services Research;48(4):1539-1550, Aug. 2013.
Werner, R.M., Konetzka, T., and Polsky, D. The effect of pay-for-performance in nursing homes: evidence from state Medicaid programs. Health Services Research;48(4):1393-1414, Aug. 2013.
Li, Y, and others. Satisfaction with Massachusetts nursing home care was generally high during 2005-09, with some variability across facilities. Health Affairs;32(8):1416-1425, Aug. 2013.
Woodka, M. Under ACA, employee hours and minutes add up. Provider;39(6):39-40, 41, June 2013.
LaPorte, M. Top 50 largest nursing facility companies; and, Top 40 largest assisted living companies. Provider;39(6):43-47, 49-52, June 2013.
DeLellis, N.O., and Ozcan, Y.A. Quality outcomes among efficient and inefficient nursing homes: a national study. Health Care Management Review;38(2):156-165, Apr.-June 2013.
Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports: Key Considerations for Successful Transitions from Fee-For-Service to Capitated Manager Care Programs. Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Apr. 9, 2013.
How is the Affordable Care Act Leading to Changes in Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Today? State Adoption of Six LTSS Options. Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Apr. 1, 2013.
Buljac, M., van Woerkom, M., and van Wijngaarden, D.H. Are real teams healthy teams? Journal of Healthcare Management;58(2):92-109, Mar./Apr. 2013.
Health IT in long-term and post acute care. Issue Brief. Mar. 15, 2013.
Nursing care occupancy remains near cyclical low. Long-Term Living. Feb. 20, 2013.
Zeit, K., editor. Details on the new guidelines for long-term healthcare facilities. Healthcare Design. Frb. 15, 2013.
LTC Stats: Nursing Facility Operational Characteristics Reports. Washington: American Health Care Association, Dec. 2012.
Grabowski, D.C., Stevenson, D.G., and Cornell, P.Y. Assisted living expansion and the market for nursing home care. HSR. Health Services Research;47(6):2296-2315, Dec. 2012.
Report (OEI-02-09-00200). Inappropriate Payments to Skilled Nursing Facilities Cost Medicare More Than a Billion dollars in 2009. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Nov. 9, 2012.
Mukamel, D.B., and others. The effect of state regulatory stringency on nursing home quality. HSR. Health Services Research;47(5):1791-1813, Oct. 2012.
Spector, W., and others. Transitions Between Nursing Homes and Hospital in the Elderly Population, 2009. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Sept. 2012.
Connole, P. A virtual roundtable: providers in the spotlight hold a frank discussion on the state of the profession today. Provider;38(6):23, 26-29, 31-32, June 2012.
Herndon, L., and others. How-to Guide: Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Skilled Nursing Facilities to Reduce Avoidable Rehospitalizations. Cambridge, MA: Insitutute for Healthcare Improvement, June 2012.
LaPorte, M. 2012 ancillary services still growing; and, 2012 most offer independent living. Provider. 38(6):45-49, and, 51-54, June 2012.
Temkin-Greener, H., and others. Nursing home work environment and the risk of pressure ulcers and incontinence. Health Services Research;47(3, Part I):1179-1200, June 2012.
Caffrey, C., and others. Residents Living in Residential Care Facilities: United States, 2010. Washington: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No. 91. Apr. 2012.
Berger, J. A shift from nursing homes to managed care at home. New York Times. Feb. 23, 2012.
Lourde, K. Physicians moving in. Provider. 38(2):22-23, 25-26, 28, 30, 32-33, Feb. 2012.
Lindeman, S., and Lyke, J.P. Smooth transitions reduce hospital visits. Provider. 38(2):35-36, 38, Feb. 2012.
Harrington, C., and others. Nurse staffing and deficiencies in the largest for-profit nursing home chains and chains owned by private equity companies. Health Services Research;47(1, Part 1):106-128, Feb. 2012.
Impact of Fiscal Year 2012 Skilled Nursing Facility Final Rule and Potential Medicaid Cuts on Nursing Facility Industry-wide Overall Margin. Washington: Avalere LLC, Jan. 15, 2012.
Rossheim, J. SNFist Physicians May Curb Readmissions but will Payers Balk? Newton, MA: Curaspan Health Group, 2012.
Houser, A. A New Way of Looking at Private Pay Affordability of Long-Term Services and Supports. AARP Public Policy Institute, 2012.