Report: Hospital Merger Benefits, a Review and Extension
by Monica Noether, M.D. and Sean May, M.D.1
Since the release of our study Hospital Merger Benefits: Views from Hospital Leaders and Econometric Analysis, 2 two closely related studies have been released. One study was published in the Journal of Health Economics3 and another was released by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions in collaboration with the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).4 Supplementing these studies, in this report, we extend our previous empirical analysis of the benefits of hospital mergers and acquisitions (hereafter referred to as “mergers”) to assess the effect that proximity of the merging hospitals has on hospitals’ ability to realize those benefits.
Report: Hospital Merger Benefits, a Review and Extension by Monica Noether, M.D. and Sean May, M.D.1
Executive Summary: A Review of Benefits and Extension of the 2016 Study