Congress may be in recess, with members back home in their states and districts – but the push to revive the American Health Care Act (AHCA) is still very real. House Republicans and the White House continue to work to revise the bill to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act and secure enough votes for passage. Negotiations are serious – and your voice remains critical in this debate. The AHCA, as originally devised, would dramatically increase the number of Americans without health insurance coverage by the tens of millions. It would significantly cut funding to Medicaid, an important program that provides care to the most vulnerable among us such as children, the elderly, and the disabled. Now, in addition, some policymakers are considering loosening federal requirements related to essential health benefits and guaranteed issue, potentially reverting full authority to the states. They are also weighing changes to the rules related to community rating, which could mean that medical underwriting will again occur at the individual level – resulting in increased rates that may put affordable coverage out of reach for older, sicker Americans with pre-existing conditions. The AHA cannot support the AHCA – and we’re asking you to contact your Representative and urge him or her not to support the bill. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy says the House may be called back into session early before the end of recess on April 23 if agreement on revised bill language is reached. But even if the House does not return early, the AHCA will be at the top of the agenda when they return. 

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