CMS: Marketplace open enrollment activity outpacing last year
More than 11.5 million people selected a 2017 health plan through the Health Insurance Marketplaces as of Dec. 24, an increase of 286,000 compared to the comparable period last year, according to a report released today by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. More than 8.7 million people selected plans in the 39 states using and 2.8 million selected plans in the 12 states using their own Marketplace platforms. Just over three-quarters of them were renewing coverage and the rest were new consumers. About 9.3 million people who are signed up for 2017 plans through the Marketplace will receive advance premium tax credits, CMS said. 2017 open enrollment runs through Jan. 31. The White House Council of Economic Advisors also released a report today on recent developments in the individual health insurance marketplace.