Groups urge Congress to fund cost-sharing subsidies for at least two years
Congress and the administration must fund cost-sharing reductions for at least two years to protect access to care for low- and moderate-income consumers in the individual health insurance market, the AHA, America’s Health Insurance Plans, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Benefits Council, American Medical Association, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Federation of American Hospitals, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce said today. “Cost-sharing reductions are used solely to help those who need it most – low- and moderate-income consumers,” the organizations said. “These funds, which are built into their benefits, reduce their out-of-pocket costs such as copayments and deductibles when they receive care. Without these funds, consumers’ access to care is jeopardized, their premiums will increase dramatically, and they will be left with even fewer coverage options. Funding this critical financial assistance for at least two years is the only way to protect these consumers. Clarity and commitment to this funding is needed to eliminate confusion and anxiety for consumers, and to allow health plans to make timely and appropriate decisions about market participation in 2018. As medical professionals, insurers providing health care services and coverage to hundreds of millions of Americans, and business leaders concerned with maintaining a stable health insurance marketplace for consumers, we believe it is imperative that the Administration and Congress fund the cost-sharing reduction program. We will continue to work with lawmakers and the Administration so Americans can access the affordable coverage and high-quality care they deserve.” According to news reports yesterday, the White House has told lawmakers that it will continue paying the cost-sharing subsidies, though it was unclear for how long. The National Governors Association also has urged Congress to fund the cost sharing reductions for fiscal years 2017 and 2018 to help stabilize the individual health insurance market.