AHA shares PAHPA reauthorization recommendations with Senate panel
Responding yesterday to a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee request for input on reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, AHA recommended actions to update the federal organizational structure and approach to data collection; strengthen the medical supply chain, Strategic National Stockpile and health care cybersecurity; and increase funding for the Hospital Preparedness Program, including additional dedicated, direct-to-hospital funding that will supplement, and not supplant, current HPP investments.
“The recent decision to sunset the COVID-19 [public health emergency] declaration on May 11 is a testament to the progress we have made,” AHA wrote. “However, during this transition, it is critical that we commit to building on the lessons learned and the advancements in care delivery and access made during the PHE.”
AHA recently shared similar recommendations with the House Energy and Commerce Committee.