Donations to The Center
Information regarding the donation of gifts, both monetary and in kind (e.g., books, periodicals, audiovisuals, manuscripts, photographs, postcards, memorabilia, etc.), that support the Center's mission.
CHHAH Gift Policy
It is the policy of the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History, a component of the American Hospital Association (AHA) Resource Center, to accept gifts, both monetary and in kind (e.g., books, periodicals, audiovisuals, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, etc.), that support the development of the historical collection as outlined in the Resource Center’s selection policy. Donations appropriate to the historical collection are evaluated according to that collection’s criteria.
The Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History reserves to itself the right to decide the final disposition of any donated materials, taking into consideration the resources necessary for processing and maintaining the materials. Materials not added to the Center’s collection may be donated to another library, sold, or discarded.
In general, only those materials that are donated without restrictions on their use are accepted by the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History. Donors are urged to provide a complete list of materials being donated prior to sending them to the Center. This will expedite the acceptance and processing of the materials. In some cases, a Resource Center staff person may need to make an on-site assessment of the proposed donation before a transfer of materials can be negotiated. A certificate of gift legally transferring ownership of the archival material from the donor to the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History is signed by both parties.
Confidential or restricted-access materials are accepted only as additions to the archives. The archives include such materials as papers, records, photographs, memorabilia, and unpublished materials of significance to the field of health administration. Materials are evaluated and accepted according to the guidelines outlined in the policy and procedure statement on the archival administration system.
Financial donations that are made without restrictions on their use are accepted by the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History. A donor’s preference regarding the use of a financial gift will be honored to the extent possible within the Center’s collection and service policies.
Tax-deductible donations, both monetary and in kind, for the support of the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History are made to the Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET), the not-for-profit research and development affiliate of the AHA. The HRET is an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and all donations to the HRET for the support of the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History are tax-deductible. The establishment of a gift’s value is the responsibility of the donor. All tax-deductible donations on behalf of the Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History are acknowledged in writing by the HRET.
Upon receipt, all donated materials become the property of the AHA or, in the case of tax-deductible donations, the HRET.
For additional information, contact:
Brenda Stenger, Director
Center for Hospital and Healthcare Administration History
American Hospital Association
155 North Wacker Drive - Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 422-2017