Chairperson's File

2024 AHA Board Chair Joanne M. Conroy, M.D., headshot.

Blog posts from 2024 AHA Board Chair Joanne M. Conroy, M.D., CEO and president of Dartmouth Health, and past chairs.

Reducing preventable harm by half is a lofty goal for any hospital, let alone a large, integrated system. But leaders at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit say their ambitious No Harm campaign has transformed the system's culture from the board room to the front lines. In 2007, Henry Ford…
When change proves challenging, involving everyone in the process can be key. Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, Ill., encountered challenges while working to streamline lab workflow and redesign the lab's physical layout. The hospital began the project after surveys showed medical…
The Problem Antimicrobial resistance is a growing problem nationwide, caused, in part, by injudicious use of antibiotics. At Hunterdon Medical Center, some antibiotics were losing their ability to cure infections present in patients coming to the hospital. For example, the effectiveness of the…