Medicare Physician Payment
The AHA urged the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to update payment recommendations for hospitals, post-acute care facilities and physicians in advance of the commission's Jan. 16 public meeting. AHA urged MedPAC to issue a higher update than the current-law market basket update plus an…
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Dec. 12 and 13 discussed draft payment update recommendations for 2026, which the commission will vote on in January. The draft recommendations call for Congress to update Medicare payment rates for hospital inpatient and outpatient services by the current…
In comments to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, the AHA shared its views on physician fee schedule payments, advanced alternative payment model incentives and Medicare Advantage network adequacy.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nov. 1 issued a final rule that updates physician fee schedule (PFS) payments for calendar year (CY) 2025.
In this member-only webinar, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid policy experts John Giles (Director, Managed Care group) and Rory Howe (Director, Financial Management Group) discussed the final rules governing State Directed Payment (SDP) programs included in the Medicaid Managed Care Access,…
The AHA along with the Federation of American Hospitals, America’s Essential Hospitals and the Association of American Medical Colleges July 29 filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in support of hospitals’ continued right to seek immediate review of any…
It is important to use the August recess that begins next week as an opportunity to engage senators and representatives while they are back home. It is critical for federal lawmakers to understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face.
AHA's comment on the Senate Finance Committee white paper on Bolstering Chronic Care through Physician Payment, Current Challenges and Policy Options in Medicare Part B.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services July 28 advised clinicians in the Medicare Quality Payment Program who earned but did not receive an alternative payment model incentive payment in calendar year 2023 based on CY 2021 performance to update their billing information by Sept. 1 so…
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