Getting the Support You Need

Last updated: April 13, 2018

ADVOConnection: Directory of Private, Independent, Profession Health & Patient Advocates
Find a patient advocate for hire to help you navigate your health care and its costs. A service of the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates.

Angel Flight Central
Volunteers transport children and adults who need long-distance transportation to access specialized health care. (Angel Flight Central)

Appealing Your Insurer’s Decision Not to Pay
Explains both the internal and external process that can be used to appeal a decision by your insurer not to pay. (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)

Web-based tool that helps you identify the public and private prescription savings programs you qualify for. (Access to Benefits Coalition and American Hospital Association)

CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation
CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation provides access to all of CancerCare services, including telephone, online and in-person counseling, support groups, resource referrals, publications, education and financial assistance with treatment-related expenses such as transportation and child care.

Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition
A resource directory to help cancer patients with their financial challenges. [Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition)
Links to resources for support of cancer patients and their families. (National Cancer Institute)

Caregivers and Families
Provides resources to connect people with disabilities, older adults, caregivers, families, and professionals to important federal, national, and local programs and information (Administration on Aging, Administration for Community Living)

Caring Connections
National consumer and community engagement inititative that provides free resources and information to help people make decisions about end-of-life care and services before a crisis. (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization)

A Consumer Guide to Handling Disputes with Your Employer or Private Health Plan
This guide will help you navigate your employer or private health plan¿s internal grievance procedure. (Kaiser Family Foundation)
This Patient Advocate Foundation program provides financial assistance with co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles by the patient’s insurer for medications prescribed to treat and manage their disease.

Coping with Chronic Illness
Information to help patients and their families cope with chronic illness. (National Library of Medicine)

The Dying Process--A Guide for Family Caregivers
Guide to help you identify and understand things that commonly accompany the dying process. (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization)

Eldercare Locator
Connects older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services in their area. (Administration on Aging)

Financial Assistance and Debt Crisis Intervention
Guidelines for persons suffering financial distress resulting from an illness. (Patient Advocate Foundation)

Find a Claims Assistance Professional to Help You
The Alliance of Claims Assistance Professionals offers a referral directory for locating a claims assistant for hire to help with health insurance billing related problems and questions.

Find a Geriatric Care Manager
Searchable directory of geriatric care managers, professionals who specializes in assisting older people and their families in meeting their long-term care arrangements. (National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers)

Find Cancer Support Programs and Services
Helps locate patient lodging programs, rides to treatment, hair loss and mastectomy products, online support communities, patient navigator programs, and more. {American Cancer Society]

Finding Low-Cost Dental Care
Potential resources for free or reduced-cost dental care. (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research)

Guide to Legal Issues in Life-Limiting Conditions
An overview of the key legal and practical issues that arise in the care of individuals who face a life-limiting condition or who must care for a loved one with a life-limiting condition. (American Health Lawyers Association)

Handbook for Mortals: Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness
Online book written by specialists in the field for families that are caring for a loved one who is seriously ill. Contains advice on make decisions about care, where to find support and treatment resources, how to communicate with physicians, how to get effective pain management, when to let go of medical treatment, and other fundamental concerns. (Growth House)

Health Insurance Marketplace
Learn about the federal health insurance marketplace – view plan options, find out how to enroll or report enrollment changes, and more. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Hospitalization Happens: A Guide to Hospital Visits for Loved Ones with Memory Disorders
A guide to help you prepare for both unexpected and planned hospital visits with someone who has a memory disorder. (National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer Disease Education and Referral Service)

If You Lose Job-Based Health Insurance
Explains two key options for health insurance coverage if you lose your job: a Marketplace plan or COBRA continuation coverage. (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)

Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Links to state long-term care ombudsman programs that investigate and resolve complaints made on behalf of older adults in long-term care facilities. (National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center)

Military Health System
Source of information for military personnel and their families on health, health services, and health education and research. (U.S. Department of Defense)

Miracle Flights for Kids
Flies children who are struggling with serious debilitating disease to specialized medical treatment centers across the United States. (Miracle Flights for Kids)

National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants - Directory
Locate a professional patient advocate to help you understand and navigate your health care encounter.

Navigating the Appeals Process
Advice for patients and their families for working through the appeals process with their insurers. (Patient Advocate Foundation)

Next Steps After Your Diagnosis
Offers general advice for people with almost any disease or condition as well as tips to help you learn more about your specific problem and how it can be treated.. (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Obtaining Free or Reduced-Cost Care
Information on receiving free or reduced cost care under the Hill-Burton program. (Health Resources and Services Administration)

Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation
Focuses on ensuring underinsured patients living with life-threatening, chronic or rare diseases get the financial assistance they need for high co-pays and out-of-pocket costs for critical medical treatments.

Patient Pal
Directory of resources for cancer patients and their families needing assistance with insurance issues, job retention and debt crisis intervention. (Patient Advocate Foundation)

Partnership for Prescription Assistance
For those without prescription drug coverage, assists in finding free or discounted medication programs for those who qualify. (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America)

Personalized Help
Professional case managers and attorneys advocate on behalf of patients experiencing issues related to access to care, job retention, and debt crisis. (Patient Advocate Foundation)

Ronald McDonald House
For families who travel far from home to get treatment for their seriously ill or injured children, a Ronald McDonald House offers a temporary residence in proximity to a medical facility. (Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc.)

Self-Help Group Sourcebook
A searchable database that includes information on over 800 self-help support groups, ideas for starting groups, and opportunities to link with others to develop needed new national or international groups. (American Self-Help Clearinghouse)

Start Your Recovery
Provides support resources for overcoming substance misuse, including selection of a support group, type of therapy, and a rehab program.

State by State Financial Resource Guide
Information for patients seeking financial relief for a broad range of needs including housing, utilities, food, transportation to medical treatment, and children’s resources. (Patient Advocate Foundation)

Understanding Healthcare Prices: a Consumer Guide
Covers topics such as questions to ask your doctor before elective surgery, what to do when the bill is higher than the estimate, what to know about emergency care, and differences in in-network and out-network care. Insurance and billing terms are defined. A Spanish version is also available. [Healthcare Financial Management Association)

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