Improving health of vulnerable populations: The Burmese care coordination journey at Texas Health Resources
As our nation's population becomes more diverse, health care organizations are continuously presented with new challenges in their efforts to deliver cultural and linguistically responsive care. In 2006, Dallas became a hub for refugee resettlement due to its affordable housing. In 2010, Dallas received 1,136 Burmese refugees making them the largest refugee group in the region and the second largest Limited English Proficiency population at Texas Health Dallas.
In this webinar, presenters share Texas Health Dallas' care coordination story and experiences providing population-centered, culturally competent care for Burmese refugees. The presentation focuses on sharing approaches used to identify and address critical factors and key determinants influencing the Burmese community. The presenters highlight resources and tools used to improve access to quality health care and positively impact the patient experience through tailored, culturally responsive strategies.
Participants include:
- Mina Kini, MS, MSW, Senior Director - Multicultural & Community Health Improvement, Texas Health Resources
- Marjeta Daja, MBA, MHA, Diversity Consultant - Multicultural & Community Health Improvement, Texas Health Resources
- Donna Piket, MPH, Language Services Specialist, Center for Advancing Nursing Practice, Texas Health Dallas
Learning Objectives:
- Provide an overview of the comprehensive approach of coordinating the maternal health care needs of the Burmese population.
- Identify and explore key determinants that impact health, health care access and understanding within the Burmese refugee population
- Share culturally and linguistically relevant resources and tools designed to improve health care use, access and the patient experience.
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