How a CHNA Influenced a Hospital's Strategic Plan

Massachusetts General Hospital's (MGH) 2012 community health needs assessment, in which communities prioritized substance use, led to the creation of a new hospital initiative to improve clinical care for patients with substance use disorders. This new initiative builds on years of prevention work by the Center for Community Health Improvement through multi-sector coalitions in the community that has achieved measurable results. MGH now has a comprehensive approach along every rung of the health impact pyramid, from prevention to chronic disease management. This webinar, in collaboration with the Association for Community Health Improvement, describes the strategies used to cultivate leadership and create the bridge between the community and the hospital.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn about the strategies used by a hospital both in the community and with patients to address the social determinants of health
  • Learn what steps were taken to build community work and leadership within the hospital
  • Understand how a CHNA can be used to leverage the work and build the cornerstone of the bridge that connects the community and the hospital
  • Discover how a hospital's comprehensive community health strategic plan that follows the health impact pyramid can create sustainable change


  • Joan Quinlan, MPA, VP for Community Health, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Leslie Aldrich, MPH, Associate Director, MGH Center for Community Health Improvement