Effingham Hospital - Guys Night Out

Guys Night Out was created to increase attendance to Effingham Hospital’s annual prostate cancer screening event. As an incentive, an off-site provider location is transformed into a place where men gather to watch football’s greatest moments or old-time westerns, complete with ‘guy-friendly’ snacks, while awaiting their free screenings. The program encourages survivors of prostate cancer to become spokespeople to convey the importance of early detection and treatment.

What is it?

Guys Night Out was created to increase attendance to Effingham Hospital’s annual prostate cancer screening event. As an incentive, an off-site provider location is transformed into a place where men gather to watch football’s greatest moments or old-time westerns, complete with ‘guy-friendly’ snacks, while awaiting their free screenings. The program encourages survivors of prostate cancer to become spokespeople to convey the importance of early detection and treatment.

Who is it for?

Men living in Effingham County and its surrounding communities.

Why do they do it?

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men; Guys Night Out encourages men to be more proactive about their own health.


Attendance is 25 to 30 men over a three-hour period of time, a significant increase from the pre-Guys Night Out screening turnout of less than 10.

Contact: Michelle Rathman-Batschke
Impact! Communications, Inc.
Telephone: 888-684-6722
E-mail: Info@doitwithimpact.com