Case Studies

Monument Health is the largest health care provider in western South Dakota. It is an integral part of the local community, providing a wide array of vital services including behavioral health, oncology and dialysis care.
Leaders choose TeamSTEPPS because it integrates well with existing patient safety program and starts rollout in Women and Children’s division.
TeamSTEPPS seen as a way to operationalize values of collaboration and safety; leads to system-wide implementation of TeamSTEPPS and 15 years of sustainment.
The health system saw an additional 37,000 referrals kept in-network when compared to the prior year, significantly improving its financial performance.
There is increased recognition of the impact of structural racism and other biases on health care access and patient outcomes. This can be particularly devastating in EDs.
Rebuild and restrengthen team collaboration and communication, and hold a shared mental model for teamwork and safety culture using TeamSTEPPS.
TeamSTEPPS aligns with organizational goals for improvement, with its focus on leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support and communication.
Investment in formal and standardized TeamSTEPPS training leads to an environment of respect, trust and accountability among care team members.