Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center - Windsor Connection Resource Center

Since 2002, the Windsor Connection Resource Center has been a “one-stop shop” for health and human services in the community. Participating agencies collaborate as a team – led by hospital staff – and share resources to deliver coordinated care as needed.

What is it?

Since 2002, the Windsor Connection Resource Center has been a “one-stop shop” for health and human services in the community. Participating agencies collaborate as a team – led by hospital staff – and share resources to deliver coordinated care as needed.

Who is it for?

The community-at-large.

Why do they do it?

Windsor’s need for increased human service coordination was identified as an unmet need 15 years ago. Rurality and lack of transportation aggravate the problem.


In 2010, 3,248 individuals received a wide array of services, including alcohol and drug counseling, computer use, crisis fuel/electric/shelter support, vocational rehab, adult education, food stamps, housing, legal assistance, mental health care, phone/fax/copies, state economic services and more. In 2011, the Resource Center served 4,569 community members, an increase of 1,321 from the previous year.

Contact: Jill Lord, RN, MS
Director, Patient Care Services/Chief Nursing Officer
Telephone: 802-674-7224