Harrington HealthCare - Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run

At Harrington HealthCare, we provide comprehensive health care to the residents and communities of South Central Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut. Committed to Total Local Care (TLC), we provide compassionate care and advanced technology close to home. We are continuing a long tradition of offering integrated services, including comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care along with community outreach programs.


At Harrington HealthCare, we provide comprehensive health care to the residents and communities of South Central Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut. Committed to Total Local Care (TLC), we provide compassionate care and advanced technology close to home. We are continuing a long tradition of offering integrated services, including comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care along with community outreach programs.

We believe in bringing our communities together and keeping health care local. Each fall, we hold a Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run to help support the thousands of men and women who are battling breast cancer. With involvement from employees, business partners and local residents, all the monies raised goes toward education about breast cancer, self-exams and mammograms, as well as opportunities to upgrade equipment and training. In 2011, partial proceeds were donated to the American Cancer Society – Central MA Chapter.


Our 2011 walk was the most popular so far – more than 215 walkers participated in our community event. More than $6,000 was raised.

Challenges/success factors

Each year Harrington works to ensure that our walk and community event is approved by all town parties, including local police and highway departments. We have a wonderful relationship with our local EMS team who help to provide medical assistance the day of the walk, as well as our own emergency department nurses and physicians.

Being a smaller community, we struggle with budgeting for the event, hoping to raise enough money without utilizing those funds to pay for advertising, entertainment, raffle prizes, etc. We also recognize many people enjoy a larger event with timed running and other perks. We hope to expand our offerings in the future to this demographic, while maintaining the convenience and comfort of a small town fund raiser.

Future direction/sustainability

Harrington HealthCare provides state-of-the-art diagnostic services, including digital mammography with SoftTouch mammo pads, stereotactic and ultrasound-guided biopsies, and breast MRIs. Adjacent to Harrington’s main campus in Southbridge is a freestanding Cancer Center – a joint venture with Radiation Therapy Services. The Center offers chemotherapy, pain management and medical and radiation oncology. In addition, the Center provides numerous patient support services from the American Cancer Society, Harrington volunteers and local businesses. A Cancer Resource room offers wigs, literature and information. Trained volunteers provide hand massages to our radiation and chemotherapy patients.

New to 2011-2012 is also a comprehensive Breast Center inside our Cancer Center. Led by a professional staff of one of our board-certified surgeons, a nurse navigator and a radiologist, the Center puts patients in control of their care treatment from the first step.

Advice to others

Network, promote, and rally the troops! Holding an event like a breast cancer walk is such an educational and rewarding experience – the stories, relationships and emotions are overwhelming. Choose where your funds go carefully – don’t be afraid to split donations with a dedicated nonprofit like the American Cancer Society.

Contact: Blaine Schnare
Marketing Manager
Telephone: 508-949-8795
E-mail: bschnare@HarringtonHospital.org