Phelps County Regional Medical Center - Pediatric Dental Clinic

Phelps County Regional Medical Center (PCRMC) Medical Group Pediatric Dental Clinic is a specialty clinic with four kid-friendly operatories. In addition, the PCRMC Ambulatory Surgery Unit is used weekly to complete cases in which the operating room is required for full-mouth restoration under general anesthesia. The clinic provides children with state-of-the-art dental care and promotes dental health education in the community and surrounding counties.

What is it?

Phelps County Regional Medical Center (PCRMC) Medical Group Pediatric Dental Clinic is a specialty clinic with four kid-friendly operatories. In addition, the PCRMC Ambulatory Surgery Unit is used weekly to complete cases in which the operating room is required for full-mouth restoration under general anesthesia. The clinic provides children with state-of-the-art dental care and promotes dental health education in the community and surrounding counties.

Who is it for?

All pediatric patients, 0 to 18 years of age, regardless of payer source. The Dental Clinic serves children in our community and in surrounding counties of central Missouri who have limited access to pediatric dental care. This specialty clinic is a needed referral resource for local and surrounding general dentists and for other community agencies committed to finding optimal care for the pediatric patient. Dental health education outreach venues include schools and community events.

Why do they do it?

Helping children have a positive experience in our dental clinic is important to us. Many patients are referred due to the extensive care they require, health concerns, behavior problems, or some combination of issues. Our treatment options and behavior-management techniques help them get the high-quality care they need.

Matt Ausmus, DDS, pediatric dentist of the clinic, states, “Improving the lives of children through dental care is my mission. Early dental care and treatment can help a child develop not only good long-term oral health but can contribute to good general health as well.”


In operation since 2010, the PCRMC Pediatric Dental Clinic continues to add new patients daily. Children seen on a regular recall basis need less restorative care. This is attributed to increased access to dental care and emphasis on dental health education. The clinic’s famous Dr. Ausmus’ NO CAVITY CLUB boasts an average membership of 200 kids per month. These children either have no cavities at their check-up or complete a series of restorative appointments to achieve a no-cavity status. Either way, the NO CAVITY CLUE wall gets to be “signed” by the child. There are big high fives and healthy smiles for all!

Contact: Brenda Safarik
Clinic Manager
Telephone: 573-458-3395