Rutland Regional Medical Center - BAMBI (Babies and Mothers Beginning in Sync)

BAMBI is an extensive community collaborative that promotes recovery in families as early as possible in pregnancy by coordinating and integrating prenatal care and treatment for substance dependency, complemented by social services. Clients are supported throughout the pregnancy and for 12 months post-partum.

What is it?

BAMBI is an extensive community collaborative that promotes recovery in families as early as possible in pregnancy by coordinating and integrating prenatal care and treatment for substance dependency, complemented by social services. Clients are supported throughout the pregnancy and for 12 months post-partum.

Who is it for?

Substance-dependent pregnant women.

Why do they do it?

In 2007, staff began to see an upward trend in the number of women with substance use issues delivering at the hospital.


Since 2008, the program has served 93 women and their families. Currently, BAMBI is working with 11 pregnant women and 30 post-partum women. Over the past year, 28 babies were born to mothers in the program - 21 mothers tested negative for drugs at the time of delivery.

Contact: Mrs. Marie K. Gilmond
Community Benefits Coordinator
Telephone: 802-747-1756, ext. 15