Multigenerational Workforce in Health Care
Four generations are working side by side in hospitals and care systems today. Atlantic Health System, a large nonprofit health care system in New Jersey, has created an organizational culture that supports a multigenerational workforce. For example, to support employees age 50 and above—traditionalists and baby boomers—the health system installed ceiling track lifts for moving heavy patients and thus reduced employee injuries, lost workdays and associated costs by 40%–60%. To support all age groups, Atlantic Health System provides on-site child care centers and early education to the children and grandchildren of employees. In 2013, nearly 250 children were enrolled in the centers, which receive high parent satisfaction ratings. Atlantic Health System also has established a mentorship program to foster partnerships across generations. A new report from the AHA Committee on Performance Improvement, “Managing an Intergenerational Workforce: Strategies for Health Care Transformation,” outlines practices critical to redesigning care delivery and meeting the needs of patients and an evolving workforce.
For more information, contact Robert Seman, media relations, at features guides, webinars and case studies from AHA resources and other groups.