Implementing Hospital Respiratory Protection Programs: Strategies from the Field
Protecting workers from exposure to all types of respiratory hazards is an important issue for hospitals and other health care organizations. In order to address this often overlooked danger, the Joint Commission, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory have collaborated to develop a new educational monograph designed to assist hospitals in implementing their respiratory protection programs.
The monograph, Implementing Hospital Respiratory Protection Programs: Strategies from the Field, features examples, strategies, new resources and a variety of implementation approaches which were solicited from the field and vetted through an eight-member technical expert panel. The monograph is part of a cluster of research activities spearheaded by NIOSH/NPPTL around respiratory protection programs and is intended to be a companion document to other CDC/NIOSH/NPPTL respiratory protection publications and resources.