The Cost and Coverage Implications of the ACA Medicaid Expansion: National and State-by-State Analysis
A central goal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is to significantly reduce the number of uninsured by providing a continuum of affordable coverage options through Medicaid and new health insurance exchanges. Following the June 2012 Supreme Court decision, states face a decision about whether to adopt the Medicaid expansion. These decisions will have enormous consequences for health coverage for the low-income population.
This analysis uses the Urban Institute's Health Insurance Policy Simulation Model to provide national as well as state-by-state estimates of the impact of ACA on federal and state Medicaid costs, Medicaid enrollment, and the number of uninsured. The analysis shows that the impact of the ACA Medicaid expansion will vary across states based on current coverage levels and the number of uninsured. This analysis shows that by implementing the Medicaid expansion with other provisions of the ACA, states could significantly reduce the number of uninsured. Overall state costs of implementing the Medicaid expansion would be modest compared to increases in federal funds, and some states are likely to see small net budget savings.