Resources for Transforming Care: Building a Leadership Team For The Health Care Organization of the Future
At hospitals, health care systems and state, regional and metropolitan hospital associations across the country, executives, clinicians and staff are leading successful initiatives to improve quality, patient safety, clinical integration and population health.
At hospitals, health care systems and state, regional and metropolitan hospital associations across the country, executives, clinicians and staff are leading successful initiatives to improve quality, patient safety, clinical integration and population health. The Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence website is designed to give health care leaders easy access to case studies, guides, toolkits, webinars and other information for performance improvement and health care delivery transformation. Resources are organized by topic, hospital type and resource type. Physicians will find useful, too, for information on physician- and team-based leadership. links to organization websites and current articles, making it a one-stop portal for hospital and health system leaders working to transform care delivery. You are encouraged to submit your case study to