Congress urged to pass Opioid Workforce Act

The Congressional Academic Medicine Caucus and the Association of American Medical Colleges today sponsored a Capitol Hill briefing to highlight the urgent nationwide need for more physicians to treat substance use disorders. In calling for passage of the AHA-supported Opioid Workforce Act (H.R. 3414/S.2892), the briefing featured remarks from Reps. Brad Schneider, D-Ill., and Susan Brooks, R-Ind., the bill’s lead House sponsors, and Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee. Panelists included Bradley Allen, M.D., of the Indiana University School of Medicine; Scott Teitelbaum, M.D., of the American Society of Addiction Medicine; and Barbara Allen, executive director of James’ Place, a Maryland-based advocacy group that promotes greater access to care.