AHA, others urge HHS to extend Next Generation ACO Model
Fourteen organizations, including the AHA, yesterday urged the Department of Health and Human Services to extend the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization model through 2022, and create a permanent full-risk ACO option based on it for the future. The model currently is slated to end this year, leaving participants with the choice of moving to the Medicare Shared Savings Program ENHANCED track or out of alternative payment models.
“While MSSP ENHANCED may be an attractive option for some, it will not meet the needs of all Next Gens,” the organizations wrote. “Specifically, Next Gen represents a more advanced, full risk (100% savings/losses) option compared to MSSP ENHANCED, which offers only 75% savings/losses. Other features of Next Gen are not available in MSSP, such as the ability to modify downstream payments, and other waiver flexibilities.”