CDC: Masks still required in health care settings

See CDC updates COVID-19 infection control guidance for health care settings for the latest guidance from the CDC released September 26, 2022.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today emphasized that its new masking recommendations for people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 do not apply to health care settings. “This means that staff, patients, residents and visitors should continue to wear masks as recommended in all healthcare facilities,” the agency said in an email on the May 13 recommendations. AHA had requested the clarification.
CDC said health care facilities should continue to refer to CDC’s infection prevention and control guidance for recommendations regarding source control and physical distancing in health care settings. “We will keep you informed if any changes are made to the guidance for healthcare settings,” the agency said.
For more information on masks, see the AHA's Wear a Mask webpage and Wear a Mask social media assets. For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, see the AHA's COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Resources and COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Toolkit.