Aaron Wesolowski - AHA Vice President of Policy, Research, Analytics and Strategy


COVID-19: Caring for Patients and Communities, Financial Management, Setting the Record Straight

Recent Study on Pandemic Funding Narrow and Incomplete

America’s hospitals and health systems, regardless of size, location and ownership type, provided essential care to their patients and communities during the pandemic. Congress recognized the critical role hospitals play as the backbone of our health care system and swiftly took steps in the early days of the pandemic to provide support to ensure hospitals would remain resilient.

Advocacy & Public Policy, Issues & Trends, Tax-exempt Status

Recent Reports on Price Variation and Growth Mislead

In two recent reports, the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) appears to use oversimplified analytic approach and draws overly broad conclusions about price variation and price growth variation. Their analysis does not address many of the key factors that can contribute to price variation and growth, while also ignoring broader trends in the health care market.

Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19), COVID-19: Coverage and Reimbursement

Recent Media Report Distorts Dire Financial Situation Facing Hospital Field

A recent article from Axios attempts to say that the hospital and health system field is not being negatively impacted financially by the pandemic. The article ignores the diverse experiences of hospitals during the pandemic, particularly those that are under significant financial pressure.