Engaging Our System Leaders

We foster dialogue among system executives and offer opportunities to actively shape polices and set direction for the association and field. Executives may participate in/on:

  • AHA Health Systems Committee leads the AHA Section for Health Systems by providing guidance on key policy and advocacy.
  • Regional Policy Boards foster communication between the AHA, its members and state hospital associations and provide input on public policy issues unique to a region.
  • Health Systems Leadership Retreat coalesces system colleagues by invitation with the AHA Board of Trustees and AHA senior leaders to share unique leadership perspectives and candidly discuss challenges and opportunities facing system executives across the country.
  • Committee on Health Strategy and Innovation advises the AHA’s strategy and innovation platform and recommends how best to facilitate movement to new health care models that are reflective of emerging trends, consumerism and value and are supported by health care stakeholders including consumers, health care providers, the government, employers and insurers.
  • Committee on Clinical Leadership seeks advice from system clinical leaders on policy and advocacy issues to advance excellence in patient care.
  • Provider-Led Health Plans Strategic Leadership Group guides policy and advocacy agendas for members with health plans and directs the AHA on timely and impactful research and pilots to support these members and the field.
  • Health Systems Executive Vice President / Chief Operating Officers Strategic Leadership Group facilitates peer connections and learnings and provides AHA with input on actions that advance the interests of member organizations representing the largest health systems across the country.
  • Academic Medical Centers Strategic Leadership Group provides the AHA Board and executive team the thought leadership necessary to develop policy, advocacy, and performance improvement initiatives to best serve academic medical centers, teaching hospitals and health care systems that include a teaching hospital (AMCs).
  • Mid-Size Regional Health System CEOs Roundtable facilitates peer connections and learnings and provides AHA with input on actions that advance the interests of member organizations representing mid-size regional health systems existing solely within local and regional geographies across the country.
  • Advocacy Alliances including the Advocacy Alliance for Coordinated Care, the Advocacy Alliance for the 340B Drug Pricing Program, and the Advocacy Alliance for Rural Hospitals.

Related Resources

AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan
Leadership Rounds
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan
Case Studies