INTEGRIS Caregivers Urge Oklahomans to “Mask Up” to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
Caregivers at INTEGRIS Health, based in Oklahoma City, are featured in its new social media campaign, wearing face masks and sharing why it’s important for residents statewide to do likewise during the pandemic.
Caregiver Twyla wears a mask “for my patients in the cancer center. The mask is my way of caring about them, because of their immunocompromised status.”
Caregiver Donald wears a mask “because I have seen what COVID-19 is capable of. It needs to be everyone’s responsibility to stop the spread. With freedom comes responsibility.”
Caregiver Ashley’s father died of COVID-19 in July: “I wear a mask to protect others from going through the same experience of losing a loved one to this virus and having to say goodbye to them over a zoom meeting.”
These powerful, personal testimonies are another example of how health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic are saving lives and caring for patients and entire communities.
Visit INTEGRIS on Twitter to see caregivers’ messages. Watch the AHA, AMA and ANA PSA video on three simple steps to stop the spread of COVID, including wearing a face mask.