Advocacy Webinar Recording
Baldrige: Your Hospital's Journey to Excellence
The country's highest presidential honor for performance excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership, the Baldrige Award recognizes businesses, education and health care organizations that have made outstanding achievements in seven areas: leadership; strategic planning; customer focus; measurement, analysis and knowledge management; workforce focus; operations focus; and results.
The country's highest presidential honor for performance excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership, the Baldrige Award recognizes businesses, education and health care organizations that have made outstanding achievements in seven areas: leadership; strategic planning; customer focus; measurement, analysis and knowledge management; workforce focus; operations focus; and results.
The AHA is the lead sponsor of the Baldrige Award's 2015-2016 Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence. In this audio podcast, Gene O'Dell, the AHA's vice president for strategic planning and performance excellence, explains why the association believes Baldrige can help hospitals get better faster. Listen in here.
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