Five Questions With Clinical Leaders Podcast Series

The AHA Physician Alliance podcast series titled "Five Questions with Clinical Leaders" features clinical leaders discussing a variety of topics related to three areas of concentration — Care Well, Lead Well and Be Well. Click on the tabs below to explore these podcasts.

Care Well podcasts focus on best practices for patient well-being, a fundamental value of the AHA Physician Alliance.

Latest Care Well Podcast


Patient and Family Advisory Councils Series

PFACs Supporting Hospitals through COVID-19

In the final episode of our four-part series on Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, sits down with Nicole Iarrobino, senior project administrator of Patient and Family Advisory Councils at John Hopkins Hospital and Health System to discuss how their PFACs helped to support their organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Patient and Family Advisory Councils Series

Establishing a PFAC in your Organization

In the second episode of our four-part series on Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs), Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, sits down with Jacqueline Beckerman, chief patient experience officer and senior director at ICARE Commitment at the University of Rochester Medical Center to discuss how to go about establishing a PFAC and the importance of representing all aspects of your community.

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Parkland Behavioral Health Series

Reducing suicide across the inpatient, ED and outpatient settings

Today we are talking about reducing suicide across the inpatient, ED, and outpatient settings with Jenny Esparza, LCSW, Behavioral Health Social Work Manager, Parkland Health and Hospital System, and Diann Francis, LMSW, MBA, Social Work Manager Parkland Health and Hospital System.

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Patient and Family Advisory Councils Series

PFACs Creating Partnerships between Providers, Patients, and Families

In the third episode of our four-part series on Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs), Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, sits down with Caroline DeLongchamps, manager of Patient and Family-Centered Care, and Quality and Safety, at MUSC Health to discuss how to go about establishing a PFAC including setting them up, staffing them, and sustaining them in your organization.

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Patient and Family Advisory Councils Series

Nursing Leadership in PFACs


In today's episode Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, sits down with Robyn Begley, AHA senior vice president and chief nursing officer, and Pamela Rudisill, senior vice president and chief nursing officer at Community Health Systems to discuss the value of nursing leadership in PFACs.

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Parkland Behavioral Health Series

Marrying mental and physical health – Practical approaches and sustainability

Today we are talking about sustainable and practical approaches to marrying physical and behavioral health care with Minnie Matthews, Director of Global Behavioral Health at Parkland Health and Hospital System, and Dr. Pedro Fernandez, Co-Chief of Psychiatry at Parkland and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

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Parkland Behavioral Health Series

Using motivational interviewing as a tool to address suicide risk

Today we are talking about motivational interviewing and how it has been used at Parkland Health and Hospital System to assess patients for suicide risk with David Herrman, Motivational Interviewing trainer of suicide risk assessment and intervention at Parkland Health and Hospital System.

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Addressing Stigma with Shatterproof

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, Vice president of AHA's Physician Alliance sits down with Matt Stefanko of Shatterproof to discuss how they have implemented a comprehensive suite of tools to combat stigma associated with substance abuse disorder.

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Changing the Way We Approach Opioid Use Disorder

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, Vice president of AHA's Physician Alliance, sits down with Richard Bottner — an affiliate faculty member at Dell  Medical School — to discuss how they have implemented an innovative treatment program to address opioid use disorder and reduce stigma.

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Increasing Capacity Through a Virtual Hospital

COVID-19 has prompted many changes in the way hospitals manage and care for their patients. As hospitals across the nation deal with the ebb and flow of COVID-19 patients and shortages of ICU beds, North Carolina’s Atrium Health has found a promising solution to increasing their inpatient capacity. Elisa Arespacochaga, Vice president of AHA's Physician Alliance, explores Atrium’s approach in this conversation with hospital leaders.

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Compassionate Care

Laura Crooks

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Laura Crooks, chief executive officer of Children’s Village of Yakima in Washington state and co-founder of Chad’s Legacy Project, an organization dedicated to reducing stigma around mental illness and connecting people to treatment.

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Compassionate Care

Beth Lown

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Dr. Beth Lown chief medical officer at the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, internist at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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Compassionate Care

Emily Silverman

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Dr. Emily Silverman, an internal medicine physician at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and creator and host of The Nocturnists, a live show and podcast where doctors share stories from the world of medicine.

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Allen Weiss

Social Determinants

Developing Healthy Habits featuring Dr. Allen Weiss, now former president and CEO of NCH Healthcare System

This podcast features Allen Weiss, MD, now former president and CEO of NCH Healthcare System in Naples, FL, as he discusses the importance of helping patients to develop healthy habits early on in order to prevent illness.

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Christine Stabler

Social Determinants

Creating Community Partnerships featuring Dr. Christine Stabler, vice president for academic affairs, Lancaster Health

This podcast features Christine Stabler, MD, vice president for academic affairs at Lancaster Health located in Lancaster, PA, as she discusses the importance of thinking outside of the box to address access to care in their community.

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University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center's 2-STOP Program to Address Violence featuring Mark Berg

Mark Berg, University of Texas MD Anderson’s Director of the Employee Assistance Program talks about the 2-STOP program, a multi-disciplinary response team that is a resource to patients, families, visitors, and employees. The response team is made up the University of Texas Police Department, risk management, employee health, employee assistance program and human resources that responds to any threat of violence.

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Adam Meyers, MD, photo

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Series 


Listen to the inaugural podcast featuring Adam Myers, MD. Dr. Adam Myers is Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Texas Health Physicians Group, and a past member of the AHA's Committee on Clinical Leadership.

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Cheryl Hoying, PhD, RN, photo

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Series 

Dr. Cheryl Hoying of Cincinnati Children's Hospital

This podcast features Cheryl Hoying, PhD, RN discussing patient safety and quality improvement. Dr. Hoying is the Senior Vice President of Patient Services at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and is Chair-Elect of the AHA's Committee on Clinical Leadership.

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Gary Loyd, MD, photo

Preparing for MACRA Part One featuring Dr. Gary Loyd, Anesthesiologist at Henry Ford Health System

The first podcast in the series moderated by Dr. Jay Bhatt, former CMO and SVP, AHA and President, HRET features Dr. Gary Loyd, Anesthesiologist at Henry Ford Health System as he provides a physicians perspective on preparing for MACRA.

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Ann Marie Creed photo

Preparing for MACRA Part Two featuring Ann Marie Creed, Vice President of Operations, Henry Ford Health System 

The second podcast in the series moderated by Dr. Jay Bhatt, former CMO and SVP, AHA and President, HRET features Ann Marie Creed, vice president of operations at Henry Ford Health System. She shares her views on preparing for MACRA with Dr. Gary Loyd and his team at Henry Ford.

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Preparing for MACRA Part Three featuring Dr. Gary Loyd and Ann Marie Creed

The third podcast in the series moderated by Dr. Jay Bhatt, former CMO and SVP, AHA and President, HRET features both Dr. Gary Loyd and Ann Marie Creed as they discuss lessons learned from preparing for MACRA and how they are moving forward.

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Lead Well podcasts focus on helping physician and administrative leaders improve the health of the enterprise and develop collaborative teams to move organizations forward

Latest Lead Well Podcast


How to Reach the Next Generation of Health Care Workers with Hannibal Regional Healthcare System

Recruiting a young and engaged workforce is particularly challenging for rural care providers. Innovative solutions such as signing bonuses and tuition payment are familiar tools many health care employers are using in employee recruitment. In this conversation, Susan Wathen, vice president of human resources at Hannibal Regional Healthcare System, discusses their unique approaches to finding and retaining future health care employees.

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No Vacancy: How Dartmouth Health is Solving Workforce Shortages

Employee vacancies have hit the health care field hard, making it difficult to consistently provide the high-quality care communities expect from their hospitals and health systems. Dartmouth Health faced this problem head-on, establishing a robust set of apprenticeships and career pathway training programs to ensure their workforce is being professionally developed, and most importantly, retained. In this conversation, Carolyn Isabelle, director of workforce development at Dartmouth Health, discusses the health system's numerous approaches to recruitment, and the successful strategies that support a healthy and engaged workforce.

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The Evolving Role of the Physician Leader

In this conversation, Chris DeRienzo, M.D., senior vice president and chief physician executive at the American Hospital Association, explores how today’s physician leaders can reconcile the demands of two different jobs and support both the patient and their organization's long-term goals.

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Lean-ing Toward Greater Efficiency in Daily Practice

Clare Fox, physical therapist with North Country HealthCare in New Hampshire, shares why she left her native England to pursue her health career dreams in the United States. She explains how adopting the team-focused managerial approach she learned from the Lean Six Sigma training courses makes all the difference in efficient health care.

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Value as a Catalyst Series

Value as Catalyst Part 2: Uniting Clinicians and Hospital Leaders

Part two of this series features speakers from AHA’s most downloaded podcasts. Moderated by AHA's Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, Elisa talks with Brooke Buckley, chief medical officer of Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, and Dr. Harsh Trivedi, president and CEO of Sheppard Pratt Health System, about tackling how a culture of value supports resilience across organizations and teams and how clinical training can combine with one’s leadership journey to guide that value.

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Dr. Dawn Sears

WEL Updates Podcast Series

Dawn Sears, M.D.

In this AHA Physician Alliance podcast, Dawn Sears, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center in Temple, Texas, shares how she applied skills learned from the Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The program helps address women physician leaders’ wellness and leadership needs.

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Value as a Catalyst Series

Value as Catalyst Part 1: Uniting Clinicians and Hospital Leaders

This special two-part series features speakers from AHA’s most downloaded podcasts. Moderated by AHA’s Priya Bathija, vice president of strategic initiatives, Priya talks with Dr. David Perlstein, president and chief executive officer for SBH Health and Dr. David Zaas, chief executive officer for MUSC Health about how hospital leaders and clinicians can come together to build value by scaling strategies that lower cost, improve outcomes and enhance patient experiences.

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WEL Updates Podcast Series

Amy Ahasic, M.D.

In this AHA Physician Alliance podcast, Amy Ahasic, M.D., section chief for pulmonary and critical care medicine at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut, shares how she applied skills learned from the Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The program helps address women physician leaders’ wellness and leadership needs.

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WEL Updates Podcast Series


Janine Adjo, M.D.

Janine Adjo, M.D., chair and director of the pediatric residency program at SBH Health System Bronx, shares how she applied the skills learned from the Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project in light of COVID-19.

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 Leading with Professional Accountability Podcast Series

Dr. William Cooper

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks to Dr. William Cooper, Cornelius Vanderbilt professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy, associate dean for Faculty Affairs and vice president for Patient and Professional Advocacy at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

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Leading with Professional Accountability Podcast Series

Dr. Patricia Sullivan

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks to Patricia Sullivan, PhD, Chief Quality Officer at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Leading with Professional Accountability Podcast Series

Dr. Gerald Hickson

This episode features a conversation with Jay Bhatt, former senior vice president and chief medical officer at the American Hospital Association and Dr. Jerry Hickson, Joseph C. Ross Chair of Medical Education and Administration at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and founding director for the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy.

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Leading with Professional Accountability Podcast Series

Dr. Craig Uthe

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks to Dr. Craig Uthe, medical director of physician well-being at Sanford USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

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Leading during COVID-19 part one featuring Medisys Health System

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Bruce Flanz, President and CEO at Medisys Health Network and Dr. Antonietta Morisco, anesthesiologist and chairperson of anesthesia at Medisys Health Network (Jamaica & Flushing Hospitals) discussing learnings and experiences as a result of COVID, specifically taking a look at the role of collaboration between clinical and administrative leaders to enable teams to be more effective together.

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Leading during COVID-19 part two featuring Henry Ford Health System

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Dr. Gary Loyd, director of perioperative surgical home and anesthesiologist at Henry Ford Health System and Robert Riney, president of healthcare operations and chief operating officer at Henry Ford Health System discussing learnings and experiences as a result of COVID, specifically taking a look at the role of collaboration between clinical and administrative leaders to enable teams to be more effective together.

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Military Medicine Podcast Series

Byron Hepburn

The United States Armed Forces produces some of the best leaders in the world. By studying the way military leadership influences teamwork and cooperation, civilian organizations including hospitals and health systems are improving the way the work together and communicate.

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Military Medicine Podcast Series


Peter Napolitano

In this podcast, Elisa Arespacochaga, Vice President of the AHA's Physician Alliance, speaks with Colonel Peter Napolitano (Ret.) to discuss lessons to be learned from military medicine about teams, teamwork, and communication.

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Physician Alliance's WEL Podcast Series

Amy Ahasic, M.D.

Dr. Amy Ahasic, critical care physician and section chief for pulmonary and critical care medicine at Norwalk Hospital, participates in this podcast series highlighting the Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership (WEL) Grant Program, a program that addresses wellness and leadership needs for women physician leaders, funded by the Physicians Foundation and in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American College of Physicians, and the American Psychiatric Association.

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Dr. Heather Farley

Physician Alliance's WEL Podcast Series

Heather Farley, M.D., MHYCDS, FACEP

Dr. Heather Farley, chief wellness officer at Christina Care, participates in this podcast series highlighting the Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership (WEL) Grant Program, a program that addresses wellness and leadership needs for women physician leaders, funded by the Physicians Foundation and in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American College of Physicians, and the American Psychiatric Association.

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Dr. Dawn Sears

Physician Alliance's WEL Podcast Series

Dawn Sears, M.D.

Dr. Dawn Sears, chair, gastroenterology, Baylor Scott & White Health, participates in this podcast series highlighting the Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership (WEL) Grant Program, a program that addresses wellness and leadership needs for women physician leaders, funded by the Physicians Foundation and in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American College of Physicians, and the American Psychiatric Association.

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Dr. Janine Adjo

Physician Alliance's WEL Podcast Series

Janine L. Adjo, M.D., FAAP

Dr. Janine L. Adjo, vice chairman, Department of Pediatrics for SBH Health System, participates in this podcast series highlighting the Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership (WEL) Grant Program, a program that addresses wellness and leadership needs for women physician leaders, funded by the Physicians Foundation and in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American College of Physicians, and the American Psychiatric Association.

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Stephen Klasko


Physicians Embracing their Entrepreneurial Side featuring Dr. Stephen Klasko, MBA

This podcast features Dr. Stephen Klasko, MBA, president and CEO of Thomas Jefferson Hospital and Jefferson Health in Philadelphia, PA, as he discusses the changing health care environment and the skills that are most valuable as leaders in creating optimism for the future. 

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Tom Yackel

Successful Leadership featuring Dr. Tom Yackel, MPH, CPE, FACHE

This podcast features Dr. Tom Yackel, MPH, CPE, FACHE, president of MCV Physicians and senior associate dean for clinical affairs, VCU School of Medicine in Richmond, VA, as he discusses the combination of successful leadership skills needed for physicians to be effective leaders.

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David Perlstein

Playing to Your Strengths featuring Dr. David Perlstein, MBA, FAAP

This podcast features Dr. David Perlstein, MBA, FAAP, president and CEO of SBH Health System in Bronx, NY as he discusses the most important skills for physician leaders; desire and willingness to listen while keeping the patient at the center.

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Sachin Jain photo

Race and Medicine: A Physician's Perspective featuring Dr. Sachin H. Jain

Dr. Jain shares an excerpt from his article, "The Racist Patient" from the Annals of Internal Medicine and discusses the prescription for medical culture that allows patients to cross the line with racial discrimination, how to support all care providers with direct contact with difficult patients, and practitioner ideas and care delivery innovations to protect staff and provide better service. Dr. Jain is chief executive officer (CEO) at CareMore Health System, an innovative health plan & care delivery system, a consulting professor of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine and a contributor at Forbes.

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Patrice Weiss photo

Addressing Domestic Abuse featuring Dr. Patrice Weiss, FACOG  

Helping to halt domestic violence and child abuse has been a key focus for Carilion Clinic in Virginia. In this podcast Dr. Patrice Weiss, CMO of Carilion Clinic, talks about Carilion's work in addressing domestic abuse in their community.

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Jay Bhatt

Adaptive Leadership Series

Introduction to Adaptive Leadership

This podcast discusses HRET’s Adaptive Leadership for Medicine training physicians and administrators can attend to develop insights and resilience needed to lead change when facing complex systemic problems in uncertain times at their organization. Attendees participate in interactive exercises and share their own experiences in a case by case setting. Listen to Dr. Jay Bhatt, former president of HRET and CMO, discuss this exciting opportunity.

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David Ryerse

Adaptive Leadership Series

David Ryerse, CEO, Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center - Scobey, MT

We hadn’t been getting the feedback we needed on administrative rounding. People weren’t comfortable telling us everything so we took an adaptive leadership approach looking at individuals and process, applying diagnostic root cause pieces to dig up what’s happening in each department, our facility and perceptions that were getting in the way. Part of that diagnostic work was considering underlying causes – sometimes not clinical at all but personality conflicts – and identifying how we develop staff with coordination and teamwork skills, working with people with whom they may not want to work. Through the adaptive leadership process, we have staff step back to think how their role – what they do day-to-day – impacts our organizational mission. Today, we have a much more active, more engaged staff and get real-time results. 

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Ward VanWichen

Adaptive Leadership Series

Ward VanWichen, former CEO Philips County Hospital - Malta, MT

While everyone in health care is trying to reach the same goal, and that goal is always to better care for our patients and communities – my observation as both a clinician and administrator is that timelines drive a lot of frustration. Clinically, things move pretty quickly, but administratively the necessary practices and processes make those timelines longer. Adaptive leadership skills helped our organization overcome some of the negativity tied to that frustration. It gave us the skills to shift perspective as a team and go beyond regular communications which hadn’t been enough. Fundamentally, we all approach challenges and concerns assuming positive intent, pausing to look at others’ perspective, be diagnostic to better assess, interpret and intervene and perhaps most important, take care of ourselves and help each other do that. 

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Be Well podcasts focus on physician well-being, detailing actions everyone can take to address burnout in their organization while helping themselves and colleagues on the road to resilience.

Latest Be Well Podcast


What is Cognitive Load and How to Manage It for Clinicians?

In this new "Safety Speaks" conversation, Michael Privitera, M.D., professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center, discusses ways to ease the cognitive load that many physicians and caregivers face, and how simple steps can be implemented to make it easier to focus on what's most important. 

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Peer-to-Peer Solutions for a Healthy Workforce: Lessons from NYC Health + Hospitals

In this conversation, Jeremy Segall, chief wellness officer at NYC Health + Hospitals, discusses the system's various well-being programs, as well as the steps needed to move these programs forward in big organizations.

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Peer Support and Building an Infrastructure of Employee Mental Wellness

In this conversation, Suzanne Bentley, M.D., chief wellness officer and director of simulation, innovation and research at the New York City Health and Hospitals Elmhurst, discusses the critical role that their peer support program played in employee mental health and the impact of building infrastructure focused on the well-being of staff.

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Health Care Transformation Begins With Its People

In this conversation, experts from Kaiser Permanente and Mass General Brigham discuss how their organizations are using innovative workforce approaches to give their clinicians the resources and skills needed to thrive professionally and personally. This podcast is brought to you by Valor Performance.

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The Well-being Impact of Northwestern Medicine's Scholars of Wellness Program

In this discussion, Gaurava Agarwal, M.D., vice president and chief wellness executive at Northwestern Medicine and director of faculty wellness at Northwestern University, and Samantha Saggese, physician assistant of nephrology and hypertension at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, explain the difference the Scholars of Wellness program is making, and how it could be adopted for the benefit of hospitals and health systems across the nation.

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Workforce Burnout: Embedding an Organizational Culture of Wellness

In this conversation, Kristine Olson, M.D., chief wellness officer at Yale New Haven Hospital, discusses the steps to developing organization-wide wellness and well-being, and how these types of programs are creating positive results in their workforce.

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Leading With Empathy: Workforce Well-being at Ochsner Health

In this conversation, Nigel Girgrah, M.D., chief wellness officer at Ochsner Health, discusses his evolution in workforce well-being, building a business case for organizational buy-in and the importance of combining leadership with mental health transparency.

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Increasing Support for Health Care Workers' Mental Health and Well-being

Health care workers are stressed out, stretched out, burned out and leaving the profession in truly alarming numbers. It doesn’t have to be this way and there are opportunities to make workplaces engines of mental health and well-being. Three experts make the case that the physical and mental well-being of our workforce is best for patients, makes good business sense, and is actually a precondition for delivering top notch medical care.

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From Quiet Quitting to Sustainable Well-Being

In this episode, Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, sits down with Dr. Gaurava Agarwal, Chief Wellness executive for Northwestern Medicine, to talk about how he is building organizational well-being through sustainability.

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#WeAreHealthcare: Addressing Workforce Challenges in America's Health Care Systems

In today's episode Elisa Arespacochaga, AHA vice president of clinical affairs and workforce, sits down with Dr. Rebecca Schwartz, associate professor and chief of Social Behavioral Sciences at the Department of Occupational Medicine and Epidemiology and Prevention, associate investigator at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research and director of Research and Evaluation at the Center for Traumatic Stress, Resilience and Recovery at Northwell Health, as well as Dr. Mayer Bellehsen, director of Behavioral Health at the Center for Traumatic Stress, Resilience and Recovery at Northwell Health and Mildred and Frank Feinberg Division of the Unified Behavioral Health Center for Military Veterans and Their Families to talk about the Center for Traumatic Stress, Resilience and Recovery at Northwell Health.

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Leadership Beyond the Pandemic

Nurse leaders captured the spirit of innovation as they faced challenges during the pandemic to provide care in a high census, high acuity crisis. AONL’s podcast, part of the new series Leadership Beyond the Pandemic, captures these innovations in care delivery with creative adaptations in technology, job role redesign and community outreach.

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Institute for Healthcare Excellence National Taskforce Podcast Series

Skills Needed to Address Burnout at the System Level

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Dr. William Maples, president and CEO at the Institute for Healthcare Excellence and Dr. Bridget Duffy, chief medical officer of Vocera Communications.

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Institute for Healthcare Excellence National Taskforce Podcast Series

Measuring the effectiveness of burnout prevention strategies

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Dr. Read Pierce, vice president of culture transformation and strategy at the Institute for Healthcare Excellence and practicing internist at the University of Colorado and Dr. Bryan Sexton, director of the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality and associate professor, continuing the conversation on burnout and taking a look at how to measure work that is being done in this area.

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Institute for Healthcare Excellence National Taskforce Podcast Series

What Are the Leadership Needs to Address Burnout

In this episode Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA’s Physician Alliance speaks with Dr. William Maples, president and CEO at the Institute for Healthcare Excellence and Dr. Ronald Paulus, president and CEO of RAPMD Strategic Advisor’s and executive in residence at General Catalyst. Dr. Paulus is the immediate past president and CEO of Mission Health.

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Michael Weinstein photo

Be Well:  Preventing Physician Suicide Series featuring Dr. Michael Weinstein, M.D., Dr. Heather Farley, M.D., and Dr. Michael Myers, M.D., MBE, MPH

This podcast series builds on existing resources to foster well-being, such as the AHA Physician Alliance's Well-Being Playbook as well as EDC's Suicide Prevention Resource Center which provides technical assistance, training and materials.

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Tom Jenike photo

Masterclass:  Discussing Burnout and the Physician Leadership Experience featuring Dr. Tom Jenike, M.D. 

This podcast series features Dr. Tom Jenike, chief human experience officer and senior vice president at Novant Health in Charlotte, NC, as he highlights how professional success can come at a high personal and professional cost, and how one organization is addressing the root causes.

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Patrice Weiss photo

Discussing Resiliency and Burnout featuring Dr. Patrice Weiss, FACOG 

This podcast features Dr. Patrice Weiss, executive vice president and CMO of Carilion Clinic in Roanoke, VA, as she discusses the importance of talking about resiliency and burnout. In this podcast Dr. Weiss describes why it is so important to educate people on the dimensions of well-being and for organizations to do the best that they can to address this issue.

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Ron Paulus, MD, photo

Building a Resiliency Strategy featuring Dr. Ronald Paulus, MBA

This podcast features Dr. Ron Paulus, president and CEO of Mission Health in Asheville, NC, as he discusses the work being done at Mission Health to improve resilience among staff. In this podcast, Dr. Paulus highlights the important elements of building a successful resilience strategy and how to include well-being in return on investment (ROI).

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Frank Byrne MD

Changing Culture featuring Dr. Frank Byrne

This podcast features Dr. Frank Byrne, president-emeritus at St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison, WI, as he discusses the importance of changing the culture that currently makes asking for help hard. Dr. Byrne discusses examples of the work that has been done in St. Mary’s Hospital to change the culture. Additionally, he discusses the importance of leaders being able to recognize their own vulnerability.

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Benjamin Anderson photo

Recruiting Doctors in Rural Areas featuring Ben Anderson, MBA, MHCDS

In this podcast Ben Anderson, CEO of Kearny County Hospital describes how a small, rural hospital on the brink of closing took a big chance on an unorthodox approach to recruit physicians including, offering four-day work weeks, limited on-call commitment and time off for international service work.

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