AHA statement on Senate passage of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Rick Pollack
President and CEO
American Hospital Association
March 18, 2020
America’s hospitals and health systems are pleased Congress came together to pass today’s package, which includes provisions to help workers, families and the uninsured, including boosting Medicaid funding for states and increasing the eligibility for the uninsured to enroll in Medicaid coverage. But more needs to be urgently done. The AHA continues to call on Congress to work on a comprehensive funding strategy to ensure that hospitals, health systems, and our frontline caregivers are directly supported for preparedness and response.
Hospitals and health systems, which are on the frontlines in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, need significant financial support for numerous time-sensitive and critical tasks. These include obtaining scarce supplies and equipment to protect caregivers and patients, increasing surge capacity, including beds and temporary structures, to diagnose and treat patients and support for obtaining child care. Congress must act now during this critical window of time.
Contact: Colin Milligan, (202) 638-549, cmilligan@aha.org
Marie Johnson, (202) 626-2351, mjohnson@aha.org