Integrating Behavioral Health in an ACO: The NSLIJ Experience
Held Thursday, February 5, 2015
On behalf of the American Hospital Association Section for Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Services, I invite you to join a small group of your executive colleagues for a webinar and discussion on how North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System (NSLIJ) is integrating behavioral health services into its risk-based programs.
NSLIJ Care Solutions is the management organization that serves as the NSLIJ steward of high-value care delivery for all its risk-based programs. Joseph M. Schulman, Executive Director, NSLIJ Care Solutions, will describe the care management programs including:
- Which individuals are targeted for care management
- How patients are stratified by risk – at the case and population level
- Key elements of behavioral health integration within the programs
- How the programs’ successes are measured
After his remarks there will be time for you to talk with Joseph in detail about the programs as well as your own risk-based, behaviorally integrated programs.