Executive Management Group
Richard J. Pollack
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Hospital Association
Phone: (202) 626-2363
Email: rick@aha.org
Michelle Hood
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, AHA
President and CEO, Health Forum
Phone: (312) 422-3376
Email: mhood@aha.org
Stacey Hughes
Executive Vice President, Government Relations and Public Policy
Phone: (202) 626-2358
Email: shughes@aha.org
Chris DeRienzo, MD
Senior Vice President, Chief Physician Executive
Phone: (312) 422-3066
Email: cderienzo@aha.org
Susan Gergely, EdD
Senior Vice President, Chief People Officer
Phone: (312) 422-2815
Email: sgergely@aha.org
Chad Golder
General Counsel and Secretary
Phone: (202) 626-4624
Email: cgolder@aha.org
Lisa Kidder Hrobsky
Senior Vice President, Federal Relations, Advocacy, and Political Affairs
Phone: (202) 626-2244
Email: lkidder@aha.org
Joy Lewis
Senior Vice President, Health Equity Strategies
Executive Director, Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE)
Phone: (202) 626-2366
Email: jlewis@aha.org
Alicia Mitchell
Senior Vice President, Communications
Phone: (202) 626-2339
Email: amitchell@aha.org
Jeanette (Jen) Porter, EdD, MBA
Senior Vice President, Field Engagement
Phone: (312) 422-2878
Email: jporter@aha.org
Megan Schaefer
Group Vice President, Governance
Phone: (312) 422-2775
Email: mschaefer@aha.org
Ashley Thompson
Senior Vice President, Public Policy Analysis and Development
Phone: (202) 626-2688
Email: athompson@aha.org
Jay Tyler, Jr.
Senior Vice President, Association Services
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (312) 422-3160
Email: jtyler@aha.org
Darlene Vanderbush
Vice President, Executive Operations
Phone: (202) 626-2361
Email: dvanderbush@aha.org
Claire M. Zangerle, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, FAAN
AHA Senior Vice President and Chief Nurse Officer
AONL Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (312) 422-2823
Email: czangerle@aha.org