How to Leverage AI Responsibly to Reinvent Health Care

How to Leverage AI Responsibly to Reinvent Health Care. The digital representation of a brain held in a person's hands.

New: Leadership Scan from the AHA

The global state of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care is moving toward systemic reinvention, not just innovation. At the same time, the field finds itself in an unprecedented moment of strain. Enterprises are excited to experiment and transform, but they face serious risk in taking action without discipline or focus on measurable value.

Leaders from Accenture, Atlantic Health System, Jefferson Health and Magnolia Regional Health Center, a rural organization in Mississippi, will analyze how to address the current AI landscape and move beyond the hype in a new Leadership Scan episode from the AHA Center for Health Innovation.

The program, “Knock Out the Noise on Artificial Intelligence,” will be presented at noon CT Tuesday, May 14.

Panelists will address how to democratize access to generative AI while doing so responsibly amid heightened standards of data and technology literacy. They will share insights on the factors that influence how organizations can optimize AI use in clinical and administrative settings and how the technology aligns with organizational goals.

Attendees will learn what structures should be in place to responsibly design, develop, test, deploy and maintain AI solutions. Attendees will also receive 1 ACHE qualified education hour toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives credential.

Panelists on the program include:

  • Brian Gragnolati | President and CEO, Atlantic Health System.
  • Joe Cacchione, M.D. | CEO, Jefferson Health.
  • James (Jim) M. Hobson | MA, FACHE, CEO, Magnolia Regional Health Center.
  • Lauren H. Logan | Managing director, Accenture

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