Improving the Patient Experience Through the Health Care Physical Environment
This HPOE guide, a collaboration with the American Society for Healthcare Engineering, explores ways hospital and health system leaders can use the physical environment to improve the patient experience. The guide describes a 'people, process, place' model that will help hospital and health system leaders identify people-centered ways to improve the patient experience of care through:
- establishing a culture of caring;
- implementing process improvements, such as processes that support patients and staff; and
- making improvements to the place of care, including the hospital physical environment, technology and furniture.
By working with this model, hospitals and health systems can take a more holistic approach to improving the patient experience.
The guide includes case studies; a hospital leader checklist; a template for using the people, process and place model; a detailed table outlining eight domains of care measured by the HCAHPS survey with observed relationships to the physical environment; and additional resources list.
View an archive of the webinar here.