Patient-Centered Medical Homes
Also in this weekly roundup of health care news: Dementia caregivers are gaining an edge; hospitals are addressing the social determinants of health; and the health care field pledges to reduce carbon emissions.
Patient-centered medical homes are one new care delivery concept designed to facilitate communication and shared decision-making between the patient, his/her primary care provider, other providers, and the patient's family.
Eligible practices in Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota and the Buffalo, NY, region may apply through July 13 to participate in the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus model from 2018 to 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced today.
Eligible practices in 14 regions may apply through Sept. 15 to participate in the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus model, a five-year medical home model beginning in January, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced today. The multi-payer model, announced in April, will build…
Primary care practices can participate in both the Medicare Shared Savings Program and Comprehensive Primary Care Plus model in certain circumstances, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said Friday in an update to Frequently Asked Questions on the model. Practices in Tracks 1, 2…
Public and private payers can apply through June 1 to participate in a new medical home model that will build on the Comprehensive Primary Care model to help practices support patients with serious or chronic diseases, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced today.
UNC Hospitals is committed to providing a patient-centered care environment. A team of leaders is charged each year in setting and prioritizing goals for each pillar. The proposed goals are vetted through various integral committees before being presented to the board for final approval.…
This brief describes how decisionmakers can encourage a model of care that truly reflects the needs, preferences and goals of patients and families.
The Brooklyn Hospital Center Family Medicine Department made a commitment to improve the quality of health care services provided to patients by implementing patient-centered medical home principles.