Avera St. Luke's Hospital - Nurturing New Families
What is it?
Nurturing New Families is a no-cost service that ensures timely visits with new mothers and their babies for early identification of jaundice as well as support for breastfeeding and parenting challenges. Soon after discharge, members of the BirthPlace staff call each new mother to strongly encourage a visit to the Nurturing New Families clinic, which provides a weight check of the newborn and assessments of both mother and child.
Who is it for?
New mothers and their babies.
Why do they do it?
The Nurturing New Families clinic meets a community need and reduces health care costs because these interventions result in decreased hospital readmissions for jaundice, dehydration and excessive weight loss in the first week following birth.
The BirthPlace averages 700 births annually, and more than 235 new mothers access the Nurturing New Families clinic each year.
Contact: Patty Kirkpatrick
Marketing and Public Relations Director
Telephone: 605-622-5232
E-mail: patty.kirkpatrick@averastlukes.org