Flagstaff Medical Center and Verde Valley Medical Center - Fit Kids of Arizona
What is it?
The goal of this program is to reduce the problems and illnesses associated with excess weight by teaching at-risk children and their families how to improve nutrition and physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Program components include a medical exam, physical activity, nutritional counseling and behavioral change.
Who is it for?
Children under the age of 18 who are at or above the 85th percentile of BMI and are referred by their primary care providers.
Why do they do it?
One in every three children in the United States is overweight or obese.
Fit Kids has cared for more than 700 children and their families through its clinic. Additionally, Fit Kids programs have partnered with 20 schools, and educational programs and activities are made available at community events for the general public.
Contact: Richard Henn, RN, BSN, MEd
Director, Education Department
Telephone: 928-773-2052
E-mail: Hennr@nahealth.com