Martha Jefferson Hospital - Elementary Standards of Learning (SOL) Outreach
What is it?
The program partners with local elementary schools to offer 10 interactive modules, directly tied to SOL (curriculum mandated by the state), on hand-washing, healthy eating, bicycle safety as well as other topics.
Who is it for?
Students from kindergarten through fourth grade.
Why do they do it?
In 2007, a community-wide risk assessment identified improving behavioral risk factors, such as tobacco use and obesity, as the most challenging need.
The program reached more than 500 students in the 2010/2011 school year. After the modules were presented, results included: 100 percent of kindergartners said you have to sing “Happy Birthday” twice while washing your hands; 90 percent of first-graders might consider vegetables as a snack; and 75 percent of second-graders could name a healthy food they’d be willing to try.
Contact: Jacklene G. Martin
Director, Community Outreach Programs
Telephone: 434-654-5251