Phelps Memorial Health Center - Summer Lunch Program
What is it?
In summer 2010, this program for children who receive free or reduced-price school lunches was launched to ensure no child went hungry when school was not in session. The program was open June and July, Monday through Friday, in an area church. Phelps Memorial collaborated with several entities to spread the word, enlisted volunteers to help serve and chaperone the lunches and hired three school-cafeteria employees to run the program.
Who is it for?
Every child who desires a meal is welcome; there are no low-income criteria.
Why do they do it?
Hospital leaders became concerned that area children who eat a free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch may go hungry in the summers.
In summer 2011, approximately 25 children received daily lunches via the program.
Contact: Rhonda Johnson
Director, Public Relations/Foundation
Telephone: 308-995-2856