St. Edward Mercy Medical Center - Mobile Mammography Unit/"To Save a Life" Program
What is it?
Mercy’s mobile mammography unit travels through seven Arkansas counties, providing quick, convenient mammograms for patients who might otherwise have to travel quite a distance for the screening. In addition, the mammography unit’s “To Save a Life” program offers free or reduced-cost mammograms to women who qualify.
Who is it for?
Area women who do not live close to the hospital; free or reduced mammograms are provided to women who are uninsured and meet certain income criteria.
Why do they do it?
The initiative was started to make it as easy and affordable as possible for women to get their yearly mammograms and catch breast cancer in its earliest stages.
Each year, approximately 1,600 women are screened in the mobile unit.
Contact: Laura Keep
Media Relations
Telephone: 479-314-6047