Geary Community Hospital - Geary Community Oral Health Initiative

The hospital brought community partners together and identified two key factors in addressing the dental crisis: Education and Access. This resulted in a set of standards and criteria being developed for Emergency Room Dental Care for Indigent and Uninsured. With standards in place, local dentists agreed to treat patients referred by ER personnel. Patients have agreed to a Document of Understanding, ensuring their responsibilities for follow-through.

What is it?

The hospital brought community partners together and identified two key factors in addressing the dental crisis: Education and Access. This resulted in a set of standards and criteria being developed for Emergency Room Dental Care for Indigent and Uninsured. With standards in place, local dentists agreed to treat patients referred by ER personnel. Patients have agreed to a Document of Understanding, ensuring their responsibilities for follow-through.

The hospital provided support to the Community Health Center, which facilitates critical dental service for the underserved and uninsured. The hospital also provided oral health educational materials such as three-dimensional models and brochures for the community as well as screening equipment to better identify children with dental problems. Children in need of care are referred to a local dentist or treated during regular visits from ReachOut Health Care America directly in the schools. When possible, the hospital helps sign up eligible children for HealthWave coverage.

Who is it for?

The local community.

Why do they do it?

Caregivers at Geary Community Hospital recognized the call to action when an area-wide health survey confirmed that the lack of basic dental care was the number one health concern in the area. The hospital, in conjunction with the Geary Community Healthcare Foundation, recognized the need for a collaborative dental safety net.

Dental hygiene is a significant issue that can affect overall health as medical research continues to identify links to pre-term labor and other serious health risks. It was obvious that coordinated efforts were needed to address underserved and uninsured children and adults. Patients were seeking help in the ED frequently for dental-related symptoms, and the hospital was losing more than $100,000 for problems that couldn't be resolved in the ED.

The collaborative was created to include the hospital, its physicians, local dentists, the School District, Fort Riley, the Health Department, City and County officials and other concerned agencies throughout Geary County. The hospital forged working agreements to fill the gaps in care, take the burden off of the ED and create a coordinated response to avert what had been a growing crisis.


Children are being screened and treated for dental care at a much higher number, and a Community Health Center Dental Clinic is set to open soon. While gaps remain, they have narrowed, and there is a strong working relationship among caregivers, schools and local agencies to address this aspect of health. The patient population benefits when an entire health care community pools our resources to work toward common goals.

Contact: Jolana Montgomery-Matney
Executive Director, Geary Community Healthcare Foundation
Telephone: 785-238-3787