Trident Health System - Spirit of Women Day of Dance for Health Program
What is it?
As part of a national effort with 60 other cities, which all held dances on February 23, 2008, Trident implemented its Spirit of Women Day of Dance for Health to prove that exercise can be both fun and beneficial to the heart. The program, held at a local mall, combines the fun of dancing to different forms of music, such as ballroom, rock ‘n roll, jazz, salsa, swing, and hip-hop, with health screenings and consumer education on heart disease and other women's health issues.
Who is it for?
Women in the Charleston area.
Why do they do it?
Nearly 500,000 women die each year of cardiovascular disease, making it the leading cause of death for American women. Dancing is a fun way to exercise that can strengthen heart and lungs; help manage weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol; improve sleep and increase energy; enhance coordination and muscle strength; decrease depression; and relieve stress, while burning as many calories as swimming, walking, or riding a bike (up to 200-400 calories per hour).
Approximately 250 women danced for heart health at the Spirit of Women Day of Dance for Health in Charleston.
Contact: Bob Behanian
Director, Public Relations
Telephone: 843-847-5056