Massachusetts General Hospital - Senior HealthWISE Program
What is it?
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Senior HealthWISE (Wellness, Involvement, Support and Education) is a program of the MGH Center for Community Health Improvement (CCHI) and the MGH Geriatric Medicine Unit. Senior HealthWISE conducts weekly wellness clinics at each of three senior housing buildings in the neighborhood surrounding MGH; the program also provides community activities that are open to both building residents and adults over 60 who live close to the main campus of MGH.
The wellness clinics are staffed by a nurse, social worker and community resource specialist. The role of the resource specialist is to explore individual eligibility for all benefits and insurance that may support their independence. Examples are Medicare D, Medicaid, food stamps and medical escorts. In addition, Senior HealthWISE helps people manage their health and ensure connection to ongoing care with health care providers. The program offers exercise classes at a local gym, health and wellness lectures in the hospital, and educational, social and nutrition programs in the buildings. HealthWISE has grown its curriculum to provide evidence-based programs in both the buildings and for community members. Examples of the programs include: Chronic Disease Self-Management, Matter of Balance, Healthy Eating and Stay Sharp. In collaboration with the MGH Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, an eight week program titled Successful Aging is offered on a regular basis. Health and Wellness lectures in 2011 have included topics on heart health, spirituality, dementia, exercise and nutrition.
All programs and services are free of charge. Senior HealthWISE membership is free and includes monthly newsletters as well as a discount card for MGH retail stores and food services.
Who is it for?
Individuals who are at least 60 years old. The wellness clinics are for senior building residents only, and are available to residents who receive their health care at any Boston area hospital; it is not a program limited to MGH residents.
Why do they do it?
The mission of Senior HealthWISE is to improve the health and well-being of seniors, particularly low-income seniors, living in the immediate area around the hospital. Despite proximity to the hospital, many individuals are isolated and frail, and do not make the connection to care. HealthWISE strives to improve health management through education and support, as well as provide opportunities for socialization, exercise, and connection to community resources.
Current demographic and health care policy trends support the growth and enhanced involvement of Senior HealthWISE in the community. Seniors are continuing to age in place with increased need for health and wellness involvement from professionals. More individuals require linkage to community services, support with medication compliance and health management advice. Most importantly, socialization is needed to provide an antidote to isolation and withdrawal. Senior residences for low-income individuals are striving to create environments similar to many assisted-living facilities, which are a bridge and often a substitute for nursing homes.
As the hospital designs care within the ACO model, the focus of prevention, quality of care at home, and post-hospital and rehabilitation care is rising to the top tier of priorities. The Senior HealthWISE model of professional support and education within a residence will hope to link more closely with health care providers in an effort to ensure complete and seamless care for the individual throughout periods of wellness and illness.
More than 700 people have joined Senior HealthWISE; many more use the services of the program.
Contact: Joan Quinlan
Director, Center for Community Health Improvement
Telephone: 617-724-2763